Make 2025 a different year!
Come along and discover Jesus!
Life will never be the same again!
Gage Road Chapel

Join Us
Sunday Worship Service
Discover the joy of coming together in faith and fellowship as we join together to worship God in a time of song, prayer, and teaching.
Join us at 11.00 am for a spiritual journey filled with love and community.
We come together for Communion on the 4th Sunday of every month.
Sunday Morning Prayer
Join us every Sunday morning at 10.15 am before our Sunday Worship Service for a time of prayer and thanksgiving.
Life at Gage Road Chapel
What's Happening at Gage Road This Week?
Bear Grylls, who so many of you will know from his TV shows, expeditions and best selling books, described his Christian faith as the "backbone" in his life, saying "You can't keep God out. He's all around us, if we're just still enough to listen."
We pray that you will be blessed with the time and quiet to listen for the still, small voice of God and to experience His peace, love and calling.
Just a reminder that there is no Tot Spot this week as it is School Half Term Holiday Week. Tot Spot will return next Monday at the usual times. For more information please press the More button at the top of this page and go to the dedicated Tot Spot page.
If you are free this coming Wednesday morning, the 19th, why not join us at our twice monthly social gathering, were we love to serve everyone from our local neighbourhood with refreshments, and joining together in a range of activities (jigsaws, games, ‘knit & natter’, etc). We will be serving Tea, Coffee and Eats. Come along and join us.
​What better way to complete your week than by worshipping the God who loves you! We invite you to join us next Sunday morning, the 23rd of February, at our Sunday Worship Service. You'll find a friendly welcome
waiting for you at Gage Road Chapel - so come along and share with us.
We would love to see you on Sunday morning at our usual time of 11:00am. The service will be led by our great friend Howard Norton.
This will be the second Sunday in our Sermon Series where we are exploring that great hymn 'Amazing Grace', and all it has to say to us about God's love, forgiveness and restoration for each and everyone of us. Howard will be speaking to us from 1 Corinthians Chapter 15 verses 1 to 10 and speaking on the subject of living in God's Grace.
So, please do come along and join with us at our service. You will be made very welcome.
Why not stay a while after the service and join us for a tea or coffee - and a chat.

Gage Road Chapel is more than just a church - we seek to be a beacon of hope and love in our local community in Sprowston.
Our fellowship is dedicated to following the teachings of Jesus Christ and spreading His message of compassion and understanding.
Community Focus

Gage Road Chapel has a long, proud history of serving the community of Sprowston. Through the dedication of our leadership, pastor and volunteers, we are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and are here to spread His message to all who would hear.
We warmly welcome those who want to know more about God, Jesus and the Christian faith.
We welcome those of all faiths and none, people of all ages and backgrounds, and we strive to support all who worship with us in developing a deeper love for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Our thanks to Simon Ladd for the photo of our church.