Make 2025 a different year!
Come along and discover Jesus!
Life will never be the same again!
Gage Road Chapel

More About Us
Gage Road Chapel was founded around 40 years ago. We are not affiliated to any denomination but are in the Free Evangelical tradition. Visitors often remark on the friendly welcome they have received. Our services are fairly traditional but never dreary. Our current congregation size is 25-30 people, so there's opportunity to get to know people, especially over the after-church cuppa. There are five Leaders who are accountable to God, the Trustees and the congregation.
Current outreach to the neighbourhood is via Tot Spot (weekly in term-time) and monthly Tea and Cakes. We also look outward by supporting several mission agencies, both local and overseas.
Gage Road Chapel is part of Sprowston Community Churches, which also includes St Cuthbert's Anglican, St George's Roman Catholic, St Mary & St Margaret's Anglican and Wroxham Road Methodist Church. We regard fellowship with other local Christians as an important part of our local Christian witness.
Please do pay us a visit. We have a wonderful past and present, and we would love you to be part of our future.

To be a fellowship that loves and supports one another, offering open arms and loving hearts to all who wish to join with us as we enjoy living out the Christian life God intended for us.
To develop a deeper understanding of God’s Word and how it should impact on us in our day to day lives, with each other, and our local community.
To share in God’s vision of one church, working together to fulfil the commandments of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.
Gage Road Chapel seeks to be a fellowship that; lives by faith; is known by love; and is a voice of hope to the people in our church and within our local community.